St Mary's C of E (Aided) Primary School, Pulborough

Pupil Premium & PE Sport Grants

Pupil Premium



The pupil premium is additional money which is given to state schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. The objective of the Government’s funding strategy is to close the academic gaps between these disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Funding is also given to support children who have a parent or parents in the regular armed forces. At St Mary’s there are 70 children who attract this funding. 70 children are 29% of the total number of children in the school.

The allocation of Pupil Premium funding is not designated on a per-pupil basis but is strategically used to benefit the group as a whole. The school takes an individual approach to monitoring progress and attainment, of the group, and this is reviewed half termly at progress review meetings with class teachers and senior leaders. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for the pupil premium funding; she monitors the impact of spending on children’s progress and attainment and the provision made for individual children that have specific barriers to learning.

The performance of disadvantaged pupils is presented to and discussed by governors termly. The funding expenditure is checked termly by governors. The school also monitors the impact that the spending and provision has for other children (non- disadvantaged).



70 children were eligible for pupil premium grant in 2021/2022. 23 children of the 70 (33%) were identified as having special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 1 child (1%) was identified as academically more-able (AMA). The school is able to look carefully at the needs of individuals and allocate support according to those needs. This support is reviewed half termly by the Headteacher. 

St Mary’s looks at every individual child and will identify barriers that prevent children reaching their full potential. These barriers are varied but some common themes have emerged over time. These include:

  •   Gaps in learning and recall of age-expected knowledge.
  •   Special educational (cognitive development) needs
  •   Social, emotional and mental health needs that affect learning
  •   Social and communication needs
  •   Speech and language difficulties
  •   Medical and physical needs
  •   Parental home support and engagement
  •   Diet
  •   Access to learning resources such as computers and books outside of school



  •   Additional teaching time
  •   Targeted small group intervention by teachers and teaching assistants
  •   Funding of extra-curricular activities
  •   Funding for school trips including residential trips
  •   Counselling services and emotional support groups
  •   Learning mentor sessions
  •   Staff training
  •   Funding additional teaching assistant support for learning in class
  •   Providing additional resources
Please click on the link below to find out more about how the school's Pupil Premium Grant is allocated, used and the impact that it has on children's learning:
If you wish to know how to apply for the Pupil Premium Grant, please click on the link below.
PE and Sport Grant
The PE and Sport Grant is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.  
Please click on the links below to find out how St Mary's is using the grant to improve the PE and sport provision for pupils:
Sports Premium Grant 2024