Art and Design
Our intent is to:
What will our artists, sculptors, craftspeople, painters and designers be able to do when they leave us?
By the end of their time at St Mary's CofE (Aided) Primary School, our Year 6 artists, designers, sculptors, craftspeople, painters and inventors will engage confidently in the production of creative work.
They will have explored a wide variety of art, craft and design techniques through different topics and they will have had rich opportunities to develop their skills and mastery of a range of materials and processes. They will understand the importance of experimenting and feel confident to take risks and make mistakes, knowing that the process is more important than the final product. They will feel confident in expressing themselves through art and understand that creativity will look different in each person. They will value the work of artists and designers and have an understanding of its contribution to the world around us. They will be familiar with the work of some influential artists and designers, including art within our local environment.
We implement the curriculum as seen below on the medium term plan.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning.
- Images of the children’s practical learning.
- Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
- Pupil’s books are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work.
- Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum.
Art INSET - Professional development for the staff
In our July Art INSET we looked at developing our art journals further to really show the depth of the curriculum and improving our subject knowledge and our confident as artists.
We developed our own skills in our own sketch books.
Look at what we produced!
In September we continued with our own skills by looking at drawing faces, aerial perspective and sculpture.
Art work created by SA class to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. The children made 'coins' out of clay
Mexico class visited the Moncrieff-Bray Gallery near Petworth for an art study day, which was followed by a day in school creating their own art works.