St. Mary's C of E. (Aided) Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as "Designated Child Protection Officers" in school in compliance with the "sharing of information" guidance.
Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Headteacher: Mrs S Copus
Deputy Headteacher/SENDCo: Mrs S Hatcher
Class Teacher: Miss H Turner
Class Teacher: Miss R Sleat
Named Governor for Child Protection:
Miss Sharon Ansell
Integrated Front Door (formerly MASH): 01403 229900
Local Authority Safeguarding Officers:
Miriam Williams / Donna Tomlinson -
0330 222 6450
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser:
Colin Perkins 01273 425792
If you have any serious concerns about your child or any other pupil at St. Mary's, please do not hesitate to contact any of these members of staff. Please ask at the School Office if you would like to see them. They all know who to contact for the best advice and help and they are all experienced in using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.
For the best interests of all our children we use the following safeguarding measures:
Cause for Concern
Teachers are asked to report any cause for concern to the School Safeguarding Team, often verbally first, but followed up in writing – following school policy and protocol. All staff receive child protection training when they begin at St. Mary's. Refresher training is carried out every year, or sooner if required. Any concerns will be shared with parents as early as possible. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children ‘disclosing’ concerns.
We are taking part in Operation Encompass. You can find out more about this initiative here.
Staff update training
Staff have half termly update training to keep their safeguarding up to date and current. This year we started with a staff questionnaire to see where the need was.
Autumn 1 2024 - Safeguarding annual refresher training with PREVENT certificates. Anaphylaxis training for all. EAL/EMTAS training for all.
Autumn 2 2024- Pupil safeguarding in school (anti-bullying, worry cards, worry boxes, pupil voice)
Spring 1 2023- Sexual harassment and sexual violence, Behaviour and CPOMs update training
Spring 2 2023- Neglect and 'A day in the life' training
Summer 1 2023 - Domestic violence
Summer 2 2023 - Updates to KCSIE '22
Pupil voice
'If you feel worried or unhappy, don't hesitate to tell someone.' Martina Y6
'If you feel like you need to use your worry card then USE IT!' Jack Y6
'When you are a bit wobbly then you can either tell a teacher of a friend.' Freya Y6