Year 6 Residential
The children have arrived safely at Bethany House and are moving in to their rooms and doing a site tour. We will continue to update on this page. The children were out on evening entertainment last night and had lots of fun.
Bedtime was late!
They are all up this morning to a cooked breakfast and activities start at 9.30am; they will be having fun with the zip wire, problem-solving, archery and the challenge course today.
Burgers, chips and salad for lunch. Then curry, macaroni cheese or veggie fingers for dinner with toffee apple muffins. Then off for balloon splash as evening entertainment. Such fun!
The children had a much better night's sleep last night and were all asleep by 10pm. They were up to a cooked breakfast this morning and off to today's activities. The rain has now stopped and they are off to rifle shooting, the challenge course and archery.
Lunchtime visit to the shop to top up on some goodies!
Off for climbing and sensory trail this afternoon with campfire tonight.
A wet evening last night and so campfire was indoor but lots of acting, singing and dancing before bed. Bedtime was great as the children were tired and needed to sleep.
Today most had to be woken up ready for breakfast. Cooked breakfast with toast, cereals and fruit as well and they are ready for fencing, trapeze and rafting!