If you would like to visit the school, please call 01798 872007 to make an appointment.

Support Staff

Teaching Assistants
UK - Mrs Logan-Campbell
Thailand - Mrs V Ansell (HLTA trained)
Italy - Mr J Barrett-Garlick
India - Miss D Fuller
NZ - Mrs S Shepherd (HLTA trained)
Ireland - Mrs S Shepherd (HLTA trained)
SL - Mrs C Castle(HLTA trained)
USA - Mrs D Sherlock Fuidge
Mexico - Mrs R Parsons
SA - Mrs K Bryan
Japan - Mrs A Hayes
Our teaching assistants are employed to support the needs of the pupils and so maybe moved around depending on the need. 

Learning Mentor and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)


Mrs Smith works as a Learning Mentor and an ELSA and she works in the mornings. Mrs Smith supports individuals and small groups with Lego Therapy, peer mentoring, self-esteem issues, friendship issues, Circle of Friends, bereavement and anxiety.


Speech and Language Assistant

Mrs Flinders works with individuals or small groups providing pastoral support, supports children with an EHCP or with special educational needs and delivers speech and language plans for children



Admin Staff
Business Manager - Mrs L Miller
School Secretary - Mrs S Adams
Finance Assistant - Mrs V Worley
Office Admin - Mrs B Sheppard 
Librarian and Admin Support - Mrs F Hancock 
Premises Manager - Mrs K Norgate
Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs C Castle, Mrs K Bryan, Mrs R Metaliaj, Mrs Norgate, Mrs R Parsons, Miss E Cuthbert, Mrs Logan-Campbell, Mrs A Hayes.