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USA class - Lodge Hill visit

Last Friday, USA class went on an amazing team-building trip to Lodge Hill. They took part in three activities; wobble board, low ropes and archery. The wobble board was a test of perseverance, fears, courage, and all of the children challenged themselves and some surprised themselves with how far they managed to climb. The low ropes saw the children working as a team to move over lava, swinging on vines and jumping from pirate ships to survive deadly waters. At the archery station, they tested their skills of strength and precision.

Jonah – I loved climbing the high wobble board because it was funny when people started flying everywhere.

Harry – The high wobble board because it challenged how high I could climb.

 Keely – I enjoyed the archery because I surprised myself. In the first round, I missed twice scoring only 5 points then in the second round I got 60!

Polly – My favourites were the high wobble board because I was surprised that I didn’t get very far with it. Also, the low ropes because I got stuck in one of the tyres – I dug my way out and Kitty helped to pull me out.

This visit would not have been possible without the support and funding of the marvellous people at the Rotary Club, so, a huge thank you to them for such a memorable day.